

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sam Adams; I promise you it's good

I've been lagging it lately and I have to apologize, normally I'm pretty good about posting every week but this last week was a little ridiculous. I got really lazy this week and even broke down and bought...I know, Sam Adams.

You'd think a mass produced beer that touts itself as "keeping to quality standards" would basically lie and give you the same mass produced water flavored beer as the rest of the massive American companies, right? Surprisingly, this bigger beer company has actually managed to put out very good beer in a very big way. You see the big boxes of the variety pack or the Boston Lager, and I've been bought the Cherry Wheat (seriously good), and you think, "Giant box = probably not good". But you'd be incredibly wrong.

I got my hands on a variety pack, which cost about the same as your regular box pack, except with a nice selection. It came with White Ale, Scotch ale, Irish Red, Boston Lager, Rye Beer, and the Noble Pils. Like I said in the previous blog, I really don't like Scotch Ale's but the rest of their selection is fantastic. The White Ale is crafted in the similar and familiar style of Belgian White Ale, think Blue Moon only with a spicier finish. Easy to go down, a perfect warm weather beer, and exceeding expectations as far as mass produced beers go. I'd drink Sam's White Ale over a Blue Moon. The Lager is incredible, I know they are very proud of it themselves but it is absolutely marvelous. Best Lager any big corporation produces in the US currently. I can't find any faults among their other beers either.

For a large scale American Beer company, it's certainly won my respect and admiration. In the event you go to a bar, they usually have Boston Lager on tap, or the Noble Pils. Which, if you're sick and tired of drinking the same old Miller or same old Bud, you need to switch, you'll thank me. As a matter of fact, you'll thank Sam Adams. Now, under the cap they put that they won an award in 2006 for best taste. I can say, unlike Baltika no. 9's bullshit "International Taste Award" that Sam Adams earned the right to put that on their bottle. Seriously, do yourself a favor and go pick one up. Your mind will be blown!

Now I can't say for sure what next weeks beers will be, it'll have to be a hunt and peck type of situation. I did see a bottle of "Fosters Special Ale" at Albertsons the other day that looked decent, and it is from Australia. Anyways folks, next week will have to be a surprise!


Next week! If you live in Southern California or will be visiting, Tony's Darts Away and friends is having a big beer garden shindig at the park. Your ticket is your glass, which is 10 bucks and you get to keep it to remember all the amazing beer you had.

ALL OF THE INFO, including directions is here...
Pop Up Beer Garden for Tony's

I will be attending! I can almost guarantee you it's going to be amazing. See you all next week.

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